1 Weird Trick to Charge Your Phone
These days furniture is doing much more for us than providing comfort - it’s charging our phones too!
Charge It Up
Ikea recently showcased a new product that might make relaxing on your furniture more comfortable than ever. The retailer revealed exciting items in its Home Smart range that can charge your phone! The software is likely to be integrated into a series of products used around the home, such as lamps, bedside tables and coffee tables too.
The Future Of Furniture Is Here!
These items will be integrated with charging pads, which might be rolled out to other furniture too. Our furniture hire range doesn’t yet charge your phone - maybe one day! - but we can offer the comfort you need. It’s not only Ikea that are producing some ultra technical products, check out our mind blowing list of futuristic furniture…
1. No More DIY?
For some DIY is an absolute pleasure, giving you the feeling of satisfaction as you hammer in those final nails, but for others it can be a different story! If you’re the type to be searching for those lost screws, realise you’ve been looking at the set-up guides upside down, or you’re always turning a blind eye to those extra parts… then you’re sure to like Massachusetts Institute Of Technology’s Fluid Assembly invention. The university created a small chair that uses magnets to assemble itself - the only issue at the moment is it does this underwater, so you’ll have to get a bit wet for now.
2. Desk & chair in the bag!
Hunching over laptops balanced on your legs isn’t really a great idea long-term, especially when computers start to get really hot as there’s a real danger of burns. Rather than take the risk you could instead invest in an Openaire. This product actually has many different uses, and acts as a desk, laptop case and chair all in one. It looks a little bit like a wooden tray when it’s opened out with a central area for tablets and computers. A fold out ‘chair’ can be placed on other seating adding some extra padding and comfort.
3. Throw a book at it
Getting the right balance between an office with a few friendly touches and clutter can be a difficult one. We stock roomy bookcases that are perfect for adding storage to premises and somewhere to put other decorative items too, like photos and flowers. If you wanted to get this same feel but go totally futuristic then how about the Exhibi-Table. This is shaped like a table with rectangular holes across the surface for placing books and other items.
4. Lego… not just for kids
Lego is a big deal for many of us in our childhood - and thanks to DIY Building Blocks the fun doesn’t have to be over. Like the Lego we all know and love but much bigger, you can buy collections of these blocks that are arranged in specific ways to create your very own chairs and tables, maybe a bit more fun than struggling with set-up plans and extra screws too!