Office Furniture Hire
Moving office is almost as stressful as moving house you spend most of your working life in the office. It is not surprising then that moving from one office space to another is often fraught with stress and tension. You need time to plan the move which is not always easy in a busy working environment. You also need to consider seating plans for staff and the general office layout. All these considerations are only a small part of the actual move. However by choosing to opt for furniture hire instead of searching the market for expensive retail purchases will really take the strain out of that all important office move. Not only do you ensure that you choose your items according to your current needs, but you also have the very real advantage of knowing that the furniture you have chosen to hire, can be adapted and arranged according to your current requirements. You do not have worry about finding furniture that may or may not ultimately fit the space you wish to furnish. You can hire according to your present needs and add or take away furniture as and when required.
We have an extensive range of office furniture hire that will ensure that all your office needs are met and adapted to accordingly. We have a fantastic range of desks for hire that are perfect for creating that all important bespoke office area. Our range of cantilever desks are the perfect addition to any office. They are constructed from thick melamine and have an attractive cantilever base which means that they not only look good but can be set up in any area according to the size and specifications of your office. Since the desks are available in various sizes you can accommodate according to the space you need to furnish. Large or small the desks are designed to meet the needs of all modern offices and with a smart and contemporary design they are a great furniture hire option to ensure your offices look chic and stylish.
Most offices require a certain degree of privacy among staff or simply to provide a level of partitioning that’s facilitates not just privacy but a more professional working environment, we have a great range of screens for hire that are available in various sizes. You may want to opt for screens that fit across the desk, again they are available in large or small according to the size of desk you have chosen. You can even choose the design you like, with either a straight or wave design both look equally smart. Or perhaps you require screening that is larger and caters for a more bespoke design to ensure partitioning and or securing of different areas within the office. Our freestanding screens to hire are a great furniture hire option for this purpose. All offices have a need for storage and need to ensure that they have the right type of storage facilities to be able to ensure office items are stored not just stylishly but efficiently. We have a great range of furniture hire accessories that will ensure all your office items are stored away perfectly. We have both two and four door filing cabinets that are a great addition to any office and are a great storage facility. We also have two and four tier lockers that provide great levels of storage security, the lockers are smart and contemporary and can be placed within your office without taking up too much space.
We also have two double door cupboards both large and small which can be set up in any area of your office and provide a great facility for storage. Whatever your office requirements our range of furniture hire items are a great way to help you build and or construct the perfect office.